Theoretical physics digest Wiki

Energy Limit

The mass effluence from a star is limited by the incoming energy from a nearby star. Suppose that the nearby star emits energy at a rate . If the planet is at a distance from the star, and its radius is , then total incoming energy per unit time is

Matter is ejected from the star at the escape velocity

where is the average density of the planet. If the planet has no other way of dissipating this energy, it must expel wind, and the mass loss will be limited by

This calculation assumes that the scale height of the atmosphere is much smaller than the radius of the planet.

Recombination Limited Photo - evaporation

Above a certain threshold, most of the incident radiation on a planet will be re - radiated back to space by recombination. The net absorbed flux (incident minus the re - radiated by recombination) is proprtional to the number density of ionised particles . We assume that in the absence of the incident radiation all of the planetary atmosphere would be neutral. The recombination rate is a binary process, and so it must be quadratic in the density of ions. We therefore express the cooling rate per unit volume per unit time as . In radiative equilibrium,

where is the incident flux, is the number density of the neutral particles, is the mass of a single neutral particle and is the cross section for the absorption of a photon by a neutral particle. The mass flux is therefore given by . The critical flux where the transition between the two regime occurs when the two estimates for the mass accretion rates are the same
